Innovative IT.

UX/UI, Branding, Wordpress


As an up and coming  IT company focusing on migrating business infrastructures to the cloud, Innovative IT required a brand new website that stood out from their competitors and offered unique solutions for their customers.

My Role

UX Researcher
UX/UI Designer


Adobe XD
Illustrator / Photoshop


Competitive Research
User Research
Information Architecture
UI Design


The website for Innovative IT was challenged to be unlike any of its competition in the sense that all IT websites look the same – flat designs with the same vague and generic stock photos. Our client even wanted unique calculators that would require custom logic as well as elements that would convey trust and put their customers at ease.

Competitive Analysis.

Innovative IT's main target audience are local small to medium sized businesses who are looking to undertake a digital transformation in the way they handle their data. I took a look at other small scale IT firms and noticed they all looked the same – some designs even brought me back to the days of Radio Shack. With similar brands going the route of 'out-of-the-box' website designs, my team and I knew that we would need to take a more playful approach when coming up with the new design for IIT if we wanted to set them apart.

Information Architecture.

After getting a good understanding of the website requirements, putting together the information architecture of the site map felt pretty straight forward. We knew the website would need some basic things, such as a site search and a contact page. Pages like the custom pricing calculators and support ticketing system were high priority requirements and needed to be front and center on the site, whereas, pages like the careers page could be left in the footer and take a lower priority.

User Flow.

The user flow for Innovative IT needed to allow for more than your average brochure site. The custom components were meant for new and existing customers that would allow the least friction when deciding to hire a new IT company or for when the user has an issue and needs to submit a support ticket.

Key Features.

Our client wanted a very interactive website that allowed his customers to submit support tickets or reach out via a live chatbot when they were having issues. As part of the client onboarding process and understanding that an IT website should be the pinnacle of internet security, we implemented a requirement for users to login prior to submitting their tickets. This would ensure only legitimate tickets were coming through the support system and not any spam.

An additional requirement of this website was the creation of a set of custom calculators for users to understand how much hiring an IT company would cost them to migrate their data to the cloud. Once the user determines the quantity and price for each of the 4 calculators, all sums are totaled up and sent over to the sales team to review.

Design Concept.

The designs for Innovative IT focused on big typography, fun illustrations, and a clean & minimal UI style. Our intention was to have easily digestible content areas that would not overwhelm users. After showing the rest of our team the designs, we were given an exceptional ovation for the completed work.


This was a very exciting project to work on because it is rare that your own design style matches the customers. We were able to utilize multiple designers and illustrators on the project in order to come up with the best results possible.

Other Projects.